Have you received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan? If you are a non-profit business owner, you might have some questions regarding forgiveness. Luckily, KerberRose is here to help.
There are four possible scenarios which could occur with respect to forgiveness of PPP funds for nonprofit organizations:
Do Not Rush Forgiveness
We know many nonprofits are anxious to file their forgiveness applications, get PPP loan funds off their books and move on. However, we encourage nonprofits to not don’t rush forgiveness! Congress has given recipients 24 weeks to spend their loan money and another 10 months to submit the application for forgiveness. We urge you to use this time to your advantage. The more forgivable costs a nonprofit incurs, the better off they are likely to be when the funding conundrum is resolved; particularly under possible scenario 3 (above), in which total costs are reduced by grant-funded costs to arrive at forgivable costs. In this case, only non-grant expenses would qualify for forgiveness, i.e., the more non-grant expenses, the better.
We don’t currently know what this situation will lead to in the future; however, it’s difficult to imagine a scenario where more time – and more expenses qualifying for forgiveness – is not beneficial. A situation where there is a significant reduction in full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) before the end of the Covered Period might be the only exception. Regardless, even if a nonprofit is concerned about a reduction in FTEs, they have nearly a year from the date of their PPP loan to elect an 8-week Covered Period. Using this time will give the nonprofits the benefit of significant hindsight in running the numbers.
Furthermore, delaying the formal request for forgiveness provides both more time for the issuance of definitive guidance and potentially defers the recognition of revenue. Further delay of revenue recognition may lead to other benefits.
Reallocate Your Grant Budgets
Some federal and state agencies allow, or have revised their rules to allow, government grant recipients to reallocate their program budgets among different line items, with or without grant or agency permission. Take advantage of this opportunity by reviewing your program budgets and consider allocating costs away from line items which qualify for PPP loan forgiveness to other cost line items which may be underfunded. You will want to consider other uncovered expenses or gaps in funding which might be utilized as part of the allowable expense pool, such as:
If you still have questions or concerns regarding your PPP forgiveness, contact a KerberRose Trusted Advisor by visiting www.kerberrose.com/contact-kerberrose.